February 7, 2025

How Thinking Models Influence Business Outcomes?


TUS Admin

The success or failure of any organization fundamentally begins with the thinking models of its team members.

The success or failure of any organization fundamentally begins with the thinking models of its team members. A deep dive into the mindset that fosters success reveals more than just external influences—it uncovers the core of our cognitive processes.

Traditional thinking models, often tainted by cognitive fallacies, compel us to make decisions based on entrenched assumptions and beliefs. By adopting a systemized thinking approach that includes systems thinking, logical reasoning, and psychological insights, we can structure and discipline our thought processes.

Thinking should not be seen merely as a spontaneous activity but as a process that can be re-engineered for improved outcomes. Our mental actions shape our physical actions, and evolving our thinking is essential for solving problems that have eluded traditional methods.

A common barrier to action is the unknown—"our can't do's are sourced by our don't knows." However, by refining our thinking, we can illuminate these blind spots.

To facilitate this cognitive evolution, we introduced the TANIN MED model—a holistic visualization and definition of the steps and outcomes involved in the thinking process.

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Building on the TANIN MED model, we developed tools like the "Notion Defining" method. This method helps achieve consensus by ensuring a shared understanding of the key concepts within the goals of organizations, families, and teams. Misalignments in understanding these basic notions can lead teams in different directions, undermining collective efforts.

Actionable Tips:

Team Level: Have each team member define the terms used in your company’s goals. Then, discuss these definitions collectively to ensure alignment and shared direction.

Individual Level: Select a word you frequently use in your job. Define it in one sentence and refine this definition until you feel confident in its clarity.

We will soon share details of the "Notion Defining" method, so you can understand the thinking models of your team members and yourself.